Now a day’s large number of people are living in apartments across various cities not even in metros but also in smaller cities. High-rise residences are becoming common in today’s world but if you want to buy an apartment then here are some factors that you need to consider to choosing the right floor for your apartment.

Here are some factors through which you can choose the right floor for your apartment:

  • Security concerns- lower floor apartments are not usually considered secure as compared to the apartments on the higher floor because lower floors can be very easily accessed. So if you have any plans for the lower floor do examine the security arrangement in that particular society. Also if your society is located near a busy road then lower floors cannot be peaceful as compared to higher floors
  • Fire safety- if you buy a flat on a higher floor then make sure that you ask for an occupancy certificate which means that the apartments are made according to the permissible plan and follow all the safety requirements. This certificate is issued by the municipal corporation of that area to ensure that all laws have been followed.
  • Network connection- in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore the total no of the floor have reached 40 for apartments and even more in some cities so make sure that if you pick a high floor for your residence then there are proper networks so that you can be connected with other people.
  • Lifts and staircase- ideally there must be at least 2 lifts and a staircase in each tower so that if one of the lifts breakdowns then residents can use another one. This is necessary if you have elders living with you so that they don’t have to use the staircase. But in emergency lifts don’t work and are not considered safe so in that situation you use stairs and they must be spacious so that you can walk properly and can access each floor easily.

These are some of the factors that you should consider while choosing the right floor for your apartment.


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